Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Welcome to my subconscious

Ever since I've known about dreams they have fascinated me. I seem to have dreams that are more bizarre than anybody else I know... but I've realized it's probably that I am aware of them while others are not. It also is helpful that I remember them. I have wanted to start a blog about my dreams for a while and last night's dream was just too bizarrely random and specific to let go. So I decided to make it happen. Anyway, quick intro to welcome you to what will be my dream blog, A.K.A. the Drog.

Last night I was... somewhere, not sure where, driving around with a friend and we were looking for the gym. Gold's Gym to be specific (that's where I go in real life). We found it, and I noticed there were signs at each parking space that said either $1 or $2. I was pissed. You do NOT have to pay for parking at the gym. I was confused, but I figured, "Whatever, it's only a dollar." So I park and then the dream transitions to the spot where I'm supposed to pay. It's something like 3 huge pieces of plywood with bright orange spray paint. The spray paint lists hints or clues for how to pay. It's a play on words and there's a drawing of purses, and then some knees... I couldn't figure it out and was so confused (later somebody explained that it meant your knees are shaking. Of course, you know, that old chestnut). Anyway, the final part there was a little slit in one of the pieces of wood and another piece of wood was positioned in/against it and the spray paint directions said to push one piece of wood towards the other. It ended up making a noise that sounded like laughing. The entire thing was set up to make everyone who tried to pay... look stupid. All a prank!! HA!!

I could not figure out why I had this dream until this very second. As I typed I realized exactly why I had that dream. Yesterday I watched the clip of Monty Python's "Silly Job Interview." Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zP0sqRMzkwo&NR=1&feature=fvwp

What a trip. And I'm mad at Gold's for laughing at me.

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