Preface: I visited my friends in California in June and the weather was just about the worst three days of weather they'd had all year. Other than the company, the trip was a bit of a bust. I have a do-over trip in 2 weeks!
Last night's dream: I got to Cali and it was pouring. Not a great start. My friends actually looked like themselves in my dream which never happens... people are usually bizarre morphs of themselves, or nothing like themselves at all. At one point I was in the bathroom somewhere and Dave looked in the window (thanks, creep), but there was a curtain in the way... but he was looking around and then saw my face and waved realizing it was me. Our friend Patti was also in the dream and she was in a band and had a show the night after I got there. That makes no sense. We were staying at this camp ground of sorts, but it was all houses. And when we showed up they said they were kicking everyone off the compound because the power was out. As I was trying to figure out why we were allowed to stay, I realized the power was back on, so of course we got to stay.
We later went to go to a restaurant called "Eagle" (sidebar: there were a few failures in terms of food adventures on my last trip...) and Dave called ahead to make sure they had the ice cream cake we wanted (?). They said yes they're open, come on by. So we walked... in the rain (I was also angry that I didn't have my rain boots)... and got to Eagle and the door didn't open. We were up in arms since we'd JUST called. A woman carrying a baby walked past and tried to get in too, and the door didn't open. She leaned her head in and the top half of the glass door slid open and she yelled in to the people there that the door was locked. The owners hadn't unlocked it! Fools! The rest is... gone. Nothing happened after that. In reality, I'd like to make a plea to Mother Nature to keep the rain clouds fah fah away from San Francisco, California while I'm there. Thank you.
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