It's August, so of course I dream about a snowy half-pipe. I was with Sara and she was telling me that if you're on a sled you can make it all the way around (the HALF-pipe). In my mind's eye the half-pipe was more of a 3/4's pipe, so I didn't think she was entirely insane. She hops on her sled face first and whooshes around just fine. I give it a shot and when I stand up with my sled to go, this massive snowy half-pipe had turned into something the size of a bathtub. I knew it wasn't going to be comfortable... or be successful. Also, my sled had become a gum wrapper. Things weren't looking good.
I looked at Sara and wondered how she hadn't gotten her sweatshirt completely dirty while doing this, then I looked and her sweatshirt was smeared all down the front. I knew it! But I decided it would be okay if my sweatshirt got dirty too. I went and totally scraped up my chin. As I came back from my failure Sara retroactively told me that I was supposed to keep my head up. DAMNIT! Another crucial part to the success of this maneuver was that you had to choose a meat when sledding. Where does my brain come up with these things?? I chose tuna for my next run. But then our friend Diane (who was the real Diane at all... it was some random Asian woman who barely spoke English. I'm not racist Diane, I swear) showed up; and in the dream she was a vegetarian, so I gave her my tuna. I chose some other meat that was even better and I didn't know why I hadn't picked it first.
The End.
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